MLP Fanfiction: Princess Network.

Network woke up to a sunny but breezy day, She heaved herself of bed, just itching to go back to bed, But no, she had work to do. Network walked on the streets of Manehatten. The office building she worked at was grey and boring, like her days. Before she walked in, she saw a purple pony with long flowing dark blue hair with purple and pink accents in the distance, Great Celestia is that Princess Twilight walking down the streets of Manehatten of all places?! Network was never caught up on news, every time she got a newspaper from her fax machine she just skipped to the comics, even as an adult working an office job, the most boring job you can think of, When Twilight walked further up the street more ponies came out of their homes and onto the sidewalk, Even Network's boss came out, though Network promptly kicked him in the face almost the moment he walked out as Network stood there, shocked.

Then Twilight announced this, with Sandy Shadow, who was Cadence's grandaughter, following her. "As you all may know, it is close to time for the Festival of Invention, Sandy Shadow will be hosting as she is a full grown alicorn now. Inventors must enter their inventions before dawn in 3 days," And then she walked off.

Sandy Shadow dabbed.

There Network was, pondering on her bed that very day, wondering if she should enter something, She would take anything to get out of that dull, boring office job. She then had a glance at her fax machine as it sent her boring paperwork. She then had a spark of an idea. She looked into the mirror, seeing the turquiose pony with wings, messy, beige hair, and green eyes that was herself. She went to the thrift store just up the street and bought some soldering irons and wires and batteries and metal. The stuff costed alot, almost enough that she couldnt pay her bills, but she still could pay them, for like 2 more months. Network burst into her basement and started using the stuff to make her invention, This was going to be AWESOME! She spent days and nights making it just right, adding more and removing useless stuff. Hey at least all those years at college studying engeneering werent a waste of time am i right?!

Then, she was almost done, She had a device where you could type things into it, like on a typewriter, but with a back button so if you make a mistake, you can edit it out! She made a file system where you can download images, places on the computer you could go on called "apps" that could do various things. She dubbed it the Computer. She felt that... something was missing. Something... fundemental... something just itching to be added. And she needed to add it quick, after all, there was only 1 day left to enter.

She had an idea. She remembered that fax machine earlier, What if you could communicate with others on a Computer, What if you could code entire places online for everyone to see? What if there were places with unlimited knowlege?! She went coding, for hours and hours. She even didnt do her paperwork and didnt go to her office job that day.

She was finised. Dawn was approaching, She made all that stuff she mentioned earlier and more was there. For one she created the networking system, websites, search engines AND endless info that anyone could add! She went outside and flew as fast as she could with her computer and went to the stall to put your inventions at. Discord was running the stall currently, once dawn came he would grab everything entered and go to the place the festival was hosted and get everypony to come.

"It is time for the Festival of Invention. I will bring each invention one at a time and the inventors will come on stage to introduce it." Sandy Shadow announced from the top of the stage. "Now first up we have... something what looks to be a metal book, It has no pages though, This was made by... Network! Come on stage and introduce your invention!"

This was my moment, the moment i waited for all my life, To be recognized for something, To not be Office Worker 404 in Office Building idontevenknowilosttrackwhokeepstrackoftheseanyways. I walked up on stage and explained. "This is what i call a "computer". It is NOT a metal book i shall show you what it is! It is a device where you can do all sorts of things! Type, post, code a place for yourself on the internet called a website, search up other sites to look at, just so so much stuff! Ill show you!" And then i showed everyone what you could do on a computer.
"Well would you look at that! Great Celestia that is an amazing invention that might change Equestria forever! We dont have time to dwell on this invention much longer so you can go back down to the crowd and ill check out more inventions." Sandy Shadow responded. I walked down to the crowd, There were more inventions... until Sandy Shadow announced a winner.

"The winner is... Network! Congrats! Could you make more computers in the futures perhaps? Im thinking about promoting you to an alicorn!" Sandy Shadow exclaimed. I simply nodded and left as the other members of the crowd also left.

Network was called to Twilight's castle the next day, She was confused as to why, but then remembered Sandy Shadow said she thought of making Network an alicorn. She stepped on her doormat and imediatley teleported to Twilight's Castle. She saw Twilight Sparkle and Sandy Shadow sitting there.

Twilight beckoned to Sandy Shadow, signalling her to speak. "You have made an invention like no other. We have never seen invention thats this awesome in generations! And for this we shall rank you as an Alicorn, Stand in the middle, and get ready." Sandy Shadow explained, Network sat in the centre and the two alicorns pointed their horns at her and a beam of energy came out from the horns, They hit Network and formed a sphere encasing Network. While she was in the glowing sphere, she had a horn grow from her head, It was extremley painful but only lasted for about 10 seconds. Then the sphere popped and Network fell to the floor, now an alicorn. "I have one question." Network told the two alicorns, Sandy Shadow and Twilight Sparkle nodded. "Since i am an alicorn, what am i supposed to do? Twilight spreads friendship across Equestria, Luna and Celestia raise the moon and the sun, Cadence Heart rules the Crystal Empire, Sandy Shadow keeps the plants growing, so what am i supposed to do?"
"Ah, well you, Princess Network, are supposed to help technology advance in Equestria, You invented the computer, so you would be perfect to help tech advance!" Sandy Shadow replied.

Princess Network lived as an alicorn since then, inventing and helping tech advance, though none of her inventions, were as successfull as the computer, Network would rule with Luna, Celestia, Cadence, Twilight, Sandy Shadow for eons to come...