Here are the FULL list of updates! I cant keep on using Latest Updates for ALL the updates since its going to get hard to scroll through it eventually so then ill delete the old ones in Latest Updates and keep all the updates even the old ones here. So heres a list of ALL the updates for EVERY year!

Monday 23rd September 2024 17:46
I changed the site's colour pallete, first i changed it to the colour pallete of the Pokemon Crystal sprite for Shiny Persian, then i decided i didnt like that and changed it to the colour pallete of the Pokemon Crystal sprite fro Shiny Meowth, Also i changed the banner AND my button and i added a textarea with code in it you copy-and-paste to link to my site, So if you already are using my button to link to my site, check back here and replace the button with the new button. Also i moved the button code and the Navigation around, i made the background colour of textareas different too. And i wrote an MLP fanfiction Its about my MLP OC Princess Network. Also i made the highlight colour different too. So yee thats aboot it, Candy, out!
Edit: I added some more pages to the site and removed the Navigation part of the home page and moved all the links there to the menu bars. and also i revamped the About Me part of the homepage.

Friday 30th August 2024 22:32
So i replaced the flat color background of the scrollboxes with tiles of Pinkie Pie that i made myself, the text in the scrollboxes didn't have anything to make it more readable, but later i put a coloured background behind the text so yallsies can actually read the stuff in the scrollboxes. Also i changed the banner to have 3 of my sonas, Jellybean, Sock and Dusky, with the name of the site changed to "Candy Cathy's Chaotic Basement" Oh and i changed the site's main colours, and i am into MLP and Invader Zim now so i edited my Aboot Me section to show that on my list of interests, One of the scrollboxes didn't have a name, it was the scrollbox with like mini life updates aboot random stuff but not enough to be in a blog. So i named it to Candy's Mini Blogz, that seems like a cool name so i thought i'd put it there also i did an update to Candy's Mini Blogz, Also i removed the counter because i THOUGHT it was working but LOW AND BEHOLD IT DOESN'T *sigh* So thats the end of this update, Candy, out!

Saturday 10th August 2024 12:41
I FINALLY added a working visits counter! Now it may be inaccurate because i didn't make it when this site first launched BUT! but Neocities's visits counter is inaccurate! They say this themselves! Sooo i'll add this lol XD Also i added a page where i test things. Also i changed the font to Courier! Was anyone here on the website long enough to remember when i used the Courier font? Probably nobody LOL

Thursday 8th August 2024 00:50
Haven't updated yalls in a while, have i? Well we got a lot! I got some music! Made in BeepBox! I made a Cursed Images page and a Funny Comics page! And i have started a colaborative music thing! More info on that somewhere in the Home page.

Monday 22nd July 2024 23:55
I finally figured out how to make boxes with scrollbars and i added the To Do List! Also updates to Art Dump and the Workshop have also happened.

Sunday 7th July 2024 18:27
Am trying something new with this, still havent figured out flexboxes but i now know how to make a textarea and made this one! The Neverending Play has its own style, Page 2 of The Neverending Play has just come out. i am working on a quiz, and i may make a styleswitcher! That is a maybe tho.

Saturday 6th July 2024 8:30
Hello! I never did updates before so if you wanted to look deep into the history of this site well... yea, But thankfully i did it when this site was not that old (As of writing this, this site is pretty new, only existing for like, 2 months or so?) Messing around with flexboxes and today there might be an update to Attics Workshop! I'll try to update OC Wiki too, Bye!