Remember! The universe is a hologram, life is an illusion, buy gold
The Neveredning Play
Chapter 1: That fish that started it all
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The story is about 2 cats, Dusk and Cobweb, Cobweb is a blue-gray she-cat with a black stripe going down their body and teal eyes and Dusk is a lilac she-cat with yellow eyes! and they live in a world where humans are extinct and a group of cats who survived a certain event live in this abandoned circus. Dusk and Bluebell notice, (well only Bluebell) somethings wrong, and they ask one of the elders, Wheat, She has a story about a being who may be causing this and was said to warp the world in weird ways, Dusk and Bluebell run away to find who's causing this to stop this. Only...
I will put this in rows for each chapter, 1 page for each chapter, the oldest at top, then it goes down and gets newer.
Page 1

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