
So, You want to affiliate. If you want to affiliate, ask in my guestbook! You have to have a button if you want to affiliate, any kind, rectangular, circular, it just cant be too big, Just small enough to fit in the bar where i link my affiliates. When you link to me, use my button in my Home page. Just to be clear, when you link to me, link in a place that's easy to see, Dont link to me in a whole page because nobody is going to go to a seperate page just to see links to other peoples sites. Put the affiliates in a part of the menu bar, like what i did on this site. If you want to make a quick and simple button, you can make one on's button maker here.There are also some rules you'll have to follow if you want to affiliate, The rules are:

  • Your website has to be PG-13 at MOST. I will NOT affiliate with very adult sites! sorry!
  • The content in your site has to be truth unless there is a page that is SUPPOSED to not be the truth, and even if that page exists, you HAVE to say that it is not the truth, at the very TOP of the page that is not fact.
  • The site has to have something to look at. I do want to support small indie sites, but have at least 2 or 3 pages of you site before you ask to affiliate, and not an under construction homepage. Also, make sure your site is functional!

So theres not much else to it, just ask in my guestook and i'll reply within a day or two!